
Molly Parden en Coruña | SON Estrella Galicia

Club Uni

Lunes 12 Agosto 2024 - 21:00h

Buy from 10,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Molly Parden en Santiago | SON Estrella Galicia


Martes 13 Agosto 2024 - 21:00h

Buy from 10,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Jordan Rakei + Dhruv en Porto | SON Estrella Galicia

Sala Mouco

Terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2024 - 20h00

Mais informações em MOUCO.PT
Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Cordovas + Jonny Strykes + Burrianca+ Dj en Granada | SON Estrella Galicia

Lemon Rock

Domingo 15 Septiembre 2024 - 18:00h

José Ignacio Lapido Dj Set 16:00 a 18:00h (Patio principal-1ªplanta) Cordovas + Jonny Strykes + Burrianca 18:00h Apertura de puertas
Buy from 18,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

An intimate evening with Richard Hawley en Santander| SON Estrella Galicia

Escenario Santander

Viernes 20 Septiembre 2024 - 20:00h

Buy from 36,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

The House of Love en Barcelona | SON Estrella Galicia

Paral·lel 62

Viernes 27 Septiembre 2024 - 20:30h

"Fontana Years Tour"
Buy from 30,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Triángulo de Amor Bizarro en Valladolid | SON Estrella Galicia

Porta Caeli

Jueves 03 Octubre 2024 - 20:30h

Buy from 15,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Victoria Canal no Porto | SON Estrella Galicia

Sala Mouco

Domingo 13 Octubre 2024 - 20:00h

Mais informações em MOUCO.PT
Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Postmodern Jukebox en Valencia | SON Estrella Galicia

La Rambleta

Miércoles 23 Octubre 2024 - 20:30h

The "10" Tour
Buy from 35,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Paul Collins en Granada | SON Estrella Galicia

Lemon Rock

Miércoles 23 Octubre 2024 - 21:30h

Presenta "Stand back and take a good luck (24) y todos los éxitos de The Beat & The Nerves"
Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Paul Collins en Valladolid | SON Estrella Galicia

Porta Caeli

Viernes 25 Octubre 2024 - 21:00

Presenta "Stand back and take a good luck (24) y todos los éxitos de The Beat & The Nerves"
Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Pom Pom Squad en Porto | SON Estrella Galicia

Sala Mouco

Miércoles 13 Noviembre 2024 - 20:30h

Mais informações em MOUCO.PT
Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Jungle by Night en Santiago | SON Estrella Galicia


Miércoles 13 Noviembre 2024 - 21:00h

Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Maro en Valencia | SON Estrella Galicia

La Rambleta

Jueves 14 Noviembre 2024 - 20:30h

Buy from 25,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Pom Pom Squad en Barcelona | SON Estrella Galicia


Jueves 14 Noviembre 2024 - 20:30h

Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Nada Surf en Zaragoza | SON Estrella Galicia

Las Armas

Sábado 16 Noviembre 2024 - 21:00h

Buy from 22,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

La Perra Blanco en Granada | SON Estrella Galicia

Lemon Rock

Viernes 22 Noviembre 2024 - 21:30h

Buy from 16,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Alcalá Norte en Granada | SON Estrella Galicia

Lemon Rock

Sábado 23 Noviembre 2024 - 21:30h

Buy from 15,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Dan Croll en Ourense | SON Estrella Galicia

Café & Pop Torgal

Domingo 01 Diciembre 2024 - 20:00h

Buy from 15,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Standstill en Santander| SON Estrella Galicia

Escenario Santander

Viernes 06 Diciembre 2024 - 21:00h

Buy from 25,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price

Alcalá Norte en Valladolid | SON Estrella Galicia

Porta Caeli

Sábado 25 Enero 2025 - 20:30

Buy from 15,00 €*
* Fee not included in the price