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Des de 22,00 € * Comissió no inclosa
ComprarEntradas Efterklang en Madrid
Fecha: Jueves 03 Abril 2025
Hora de apertura de puertas: 22:00
Lugar: Teatro Lara
Precio: 22€ / 25€
Prohibida la entrada a menores de 18 años
Efterklang’s new Album Things We Have in Common will be release d Sept ember 27 th 2024 on City Slang. With their newest record, Efterklang close the circle that began with their 2019 album Altid Sammen and continued with 2021’s Windflowers . These three records represented an opening to a simpler, more inclusive form of expression for the Danish trio, exploring themes of human connection, the relationship between humans and nature and collective spirituality and belonging. Mads Brauer , Caspe r Clausen and Rasmus Stolberg have been playing music together as the three primary members of Efterklang for over 20 years, alongside a collective of other musicians who collaborate with them across albums and performances. Pianist and composer Rune Mølga ard formed Efterklang with the three members but left after their 2007 sophomore record Parades , orbiting around the band to varying degrees since. But for Things We Have In Common , Rune collaborated with the band again , co - writing 7 of the 9 songs on the record.